honestly... this was worth the 3 1/2 years reading it
this seem like it's about a dude that happens to be gay (and a little autistic)going through high school. and im loving it so far
no because kuzuya and kasuya looks so much alike wtfff
born on the same day, same hight and same... I wouldn't be surprised if harada dropped that bomb it would ruin everything for me but wouldn't be surprised ╥﹏╥
slideshow girl is so making my not take anything seriously omf
yess thank you for uploading this im hooked!! i hate to say this but it reminds me of nana
i get the plot but it could've been done in a better way. something coming from left field every chapter like-
LMAOO ASSA Ugh i need to stop reading so i can binge
i love it already!!! U^ェ^U (are they in high school or college?)