Idk why he had to apologize for hurting that girl's feelings right after she slapped him. That bothered me a lot that Ruri would actually get on him about that. Idk, I just didn't like ruri after that and subsequently didn't like the rest of the book. Ruri is too much of crybaby victim for me.

So glad to see this comment. Withholding necessary assignments from someone until they agree to date you is “quid pro quo” behavior and is actually considered a type of sexual harassment in the workplace. He had every right to firmly reject her, and tell her to reflect on her actions in the future. Especially as her manager. She actually should have gotten official disciplinary action for something like that, ESPECIALLY when she started putting her hands on people. Immediate HR report.

That annoyed me so much. I feel like the author doesn't understand workplace culture or etiquette. He should have sent her ass to HR. Also what's up with the kid? His annoying perpetual victim aura pisses me off like it's a stutter not a virus. Not every person is out to emotionally hurt you so why are you acting like talking to people is equivalent to you burdening then or some sht. It's absurd this manga.
Well, that was fucken adorable and feel good (=・ω・=)