Recently I watched season 1. Was Yana involved after the curry arc? Because there are similarities in the canon arc.
1. The demon dog village cult is the same as the greenwitch arc
2. The puppet kidnapping children to make dolls is the same as the circus arc
3. Ciel being wanted by the yard
4. Pluto being dead
5. The queen have interest in zombie
Do you guys think the ending will be sort of the same?

As a Black Butler fan who's watched the anime and reads the manga I've never noticed this at all, a lot of season 1 of the anime was non canon to the manga, I'm not sure if the creator was involved with season 1. Maybe she was? I'm not for sure, a lot of times the anime version has a different writer.
And as for the ending, I'm not really sure if it's going to end like season 1 did. It could end completely different

I am up to date with the anime and skimmed through the 1st book manga adaptation. Except for a few differences the main plot seems to follow the 1st book. So what's the purpose of this 2nd book?

The second book follows Yukiya and the Crown Prince, while the first book follows only the events in the Sakura Palace. They're very different stories because of the difference in perspectives. Also, having also watched the anime, I wouldn't say that the first book is the main plot. The anime is trying to cover both perspectives at the same time to give a more full picture of the events. As an example, reading only the first book wouldn't tell you why Yukiya is the Prince's aid and how he got there. He's very much a background character of the book since it focuses on the consort candidates and their competition. However, in the second book we can see who he is and what he's experiencing. It gives us another point of view of the power struggle between the yatagarasu and the four families. Why do you think the second book is purposeless?

Like you said its just giving us different pov. IMO I like the anime more as it seems more complete. So my question is, is the 2nd book a remake of the 1st book? Because the core of the story is the same just with different pov. If so, how about the other books? Is it going to be the same story but with different pov also?

The second book is not a remake of the first. They're not the exact same story either. It's the events that occur outside of the Sakura Palace from Yukiya's POV. The events overlap, but what Yukiya experiences is different from from those in the Sakura Palace experiences and vice versa. A remake would follow the same exact events. I know the 3rd and 4th volumes have to do with Yukiya going forward. The 5th and 6th volumes are books that cover the same time period from different perspectives

For me even if the pov is different there's still for example the death of Kazumi. Why would they repeat the same story with different pov for 4 books. We would know it by then. The books just add a few details, with the same conclusion in the end. I much prefer a new story like 3rd & 4th book. Can you imagine creating books for every character in a story. That would be tedious

Wow. You didn't read what I wrote at all. Like I said before, Kazumi's death is touched on twice because this is the same time period from POV. Just because they're two different POV doesn't mean they don't see the same events at times. Kazumi's death was important to the narrative on both sides. Thus, the perspective from both sides is given. As I also said before, the 3rd and 4th books cover Yukiya going forward. As in pass the events in book 1 and 2. I never said that they're the same events from a different perspective.

Novel readers, may I know why mc is being evil? If it's to escape from being executed, does he have to go through all these? Or is he just doing it for revenge? How about his past life personality? Does it not influence his moral compass? Spoiler is grealy welcomed.

So the only thing that really changes about him as a person when he gains memories of his past life is that he learns familial love. He had a wonderful family and a little sister he adored, plus the fact that when he played the game he felt kind of bad for Julieta. So he regains his memories, and he learns to love his daughter who was previously nothing but a tool to him. Other than that, he is exactly the same person he has always been. He’s in his forties. Forty years of his awful personality and behavior, it’s kind of a miracle that even that much changed about him.

He is did use his daughter for the revenge against the prince and his fiancee, but rather than 'use' per SE, they have become an accomplice (together with mallachia). That's a more equal relationship than before he regained his original memory
For the end of the volume. There's a cure for the curse, (that killed their family when they reached age 55) but only one person can have it. He gave the cure to his daughter.

I think as time goes on our ciel will loose his friends one by one and left alone to despair just like what Sebastian wants

I think that what sebastian wants is for ciel to get his revenge so he can take his soul as said in the contract. If he wanted a broken soul he would have make sure to break ciel. If you remember, in cp 94, when ciel lost his memories and didn't want to do anything sebastian was going to eat his soul because he abandoned his revenge and before he was going to eat his soul he said "it's not was I was hoping for but it might fill me a little", which means his soul will be more delicious if ciel will fulfill the contract and get his revenge. Also, the title of cp 95 Is "an unsatisfying dinner"

If you read chapter 63, Sebastian said when our ciel gets his crown decorated with despair. Sebastian wants our ciel to get his revenge and it will be more delicious when at that time he will be left with nothing. Everyone who he fought alongside being dead leaving him alone again. Anyways that's my prediction.
According to mangaupdates its still ongoing with 1 vol. So anything can happen