æbi created a topic of Backlight

also seo-in looks better with black hair

æbi created a topic of Backlight

protect yeongwon at all cost hes so precious and adorable

æbi created a topic of Driver's High

not ready to let them go yet ughh my babies

æbi created a topic of Our Sunny Days

ho is so sexy omfg haebom you lucky bastard

æbi created a topic of Bloodbound

I wonder if kahim is guiding someone or not

æbi created a topic of Pride and Persistence

GAGGG love it when the seme is the one who fall in love first

æbi created a topic of Pride and Persistence


æbi followed a list
æbi created a topic of Honey Bear
æbi already read

Seo Yoon Seul, who's lived a perfect life so far, becomes a wreck when he starts having nightma...

  • Author: Chobom
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons / Drama
æbi created a topic of December
æbi created a topic of Secondo Piatto
æbi created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

I’ll let this marinate and comeback later to see if it’s worth reading

æbi like topic of Lucky Paradise

are we ever gonna get a story on woojin and his man or… cause I really don’t care about these two anymore