Would you look at that. 1They say Christmas is great even after the terrorist attacks.
Orange lovers understand their rights. IATM. Fat, unhealthy, unathletic, unnatural, ugly herd, very hairy hoes with moustache, veil wearers, dyed and fried hair, turtleneck/no neck, acne & pigmented skin, wannabe EA pokemons, short humans, and swine cultures AMTWTT. Cook
By your very words you will be ravished by your own pain. Mark my words. We're here to watch you fall and we don't give two shits about your feelings.
Keep crying more, entertain us
They're hating on others and have participated in online group bullying but when I go to their accounts I see them being so miserable lmfao sucks to be them
Indian fraudsters are top-tier scumbags
Coworker: “THAT’S NOT THE SAME! You’re just a government sheep.”
弓様: “Do you realize that the same government that guarantees me what is in that vaccine is guaranteeing you that what you’re eating is really organic, and more importantly safe for you?”
Coworker: “Well, joke’s on you; I’m only eating organic.”
弓様: “By the way, do you know what is really in that meal you are eating?”
Coworker: “You are ‘trusting’. Come on! Can you be so dumb not as to not see the big conspiracy here?”
弓様: “I work in computer science; of course, I don’t know what’s in it. That’s not my area of expertise, but I’m trusting thousands of scientists in this country alone—
Coworker: “This ‘vaccine’ is a fraud. Nobody knows what is in it. [弓様], do you know what is ‘really’ in it?”
Year 2021, earth is starting to 'breathe'
I messed up the reposts oops
弓様: “I work in computer science; of course, I don’t know what’s in it. That’s not my area of expertise, but I’m trusting thousands of scientists in this country alone—
Coworker: “This ‘vaccine’ is a fraud. Nobody knows what is in it. [弓様], do you know what is ‘really’ in it?”
Silky said "Venere, videre, vicere"
None of you are interested in weaklings
What is it with the obsession of the Roman Empire?
Just read your damn comics why are you so pressed?