Everyone's shipping Shuli with either Nora or the prince but all I'm hoping to get canon is the fam. All them growing up loving each other and Shuli feeling fulfilled as a mother will be my happiness. Shuli don't need no man to raise these lions.

So true! She's practically the same age as the children. In fact, I think she's just 2 years older than the eldest. If she were older, OK, but I don't even think they can be considered as her kids per se, she should be some kind of older sister. Even with the father, she had no love story at all, he was already sick and just married her so that she could take care of his children after his death instead of the money chasing relatives

The plot is just going downhill. Its not as engaging as it was in the first chapters, not much development, and really no goal or a conclusion to look forward to. Its just boring now. (I'll just let it update a few chapters until I decide to pick it up again, hoping that it'll get an interesting part which from this chapter, I doubt will happen anytime soon.)
Too short!! But thank you very much for the update! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄