I must be such a loser... but I full on was crying at the end if this... Aahhh whyy did it end this way? I mean I know why it ended this way... but whyyyy Dammit Sangwoo if you just talked to Bum about those bloody pills and he could tell u the truth and give you the ring T-T
Omg I’m so dumb . Lmao im like .. wait what did he go get when he ran out? What’s this “surprise “. Why does he keep going to where the pills are ? Lmao I thought that all was left unanswered and it didn’t hit me until now. The ring in the end . That’s the surprise and what he was hiding . Oh man now the ending is even more fukin sad. Let me go cry again
Is it just me or are Beelzebub and Mephisto extreme hotties... like arg step on me please
I cannot with you