I rarely feel the need to get in on any of these discussions, but yall got some extremely quick trigger fingers if you're that comfortable with having your lover executing a perp after the situation was already defused, to the point of *egging them on to do so.* We call that second degree murder, and should never be romanticized or so casually considered. It's far removed from a punishment that fits the crime in this context. Seriously, this sort of mentality is a giant red flag for "people I do not want to associate with if it can be helped."

Having read this author's BL works first *then* realizing the existence of their manwha after has corrupted me to a degree. That is, I keep instinctively expecting their male leads to sex even though I know it's not that kind of story.
Still, I greatly enjoyed Coffin Jackson and am excited to see where this unfolds. Harry's complete agenda is apparently too much for my diminutive brain to comprehend as of yet.

I knew I shouldn't have skipped that class...
But hey, they're moving along!
That interaction Hwan and Jin had way back in Ch 15 suddenly has a very different vibe to it now...