Pookie followed a goer

I'm just a girl...

16 days
Pookie created a topic of Jinx
Pookie asked a question

Stories where author manipulates their own audience? Like from the beginning, the readers thought character A was the villain and character B is the good person but it turns out to be the opposite

Pookie answered question about question
Dare I speak about a very specific wonder duo...

Didn't know stupidity was hereditary

Pookie created a topic of The Boundary of Fragrance

Petition to make him bigger so he can fuck his boss

Pookie created a topic of Honey Bear
Pookie asked a question

Give me the most nonsensical romance manga you've read. Wanna stare at the screen in frustration and curse my head off

Pookie created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

Yearner bakugo is real and canon

Pookie asked a question

Rec me some REAL underrated danmei novels that's not known very much (would appreciate if you also tell me where I can read it too )

Pookie answered question about question
I cook cream soup taste is coco loco want me your wife but she is mmm mmm mmm I clean your room it's so twinkle twinkle want me your wife but she is mmm mmm mmm
Pookie answered question about question
Pookie asked a question
Pookie asked a question

Most ethereal artstyle you've seen

Pookie asked a question

Is there any other story where only one specific color is used throughout the panels? Like that "the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all"

Pookie asked a question

Absolute tooth rotting fluff (not popular ones pls)

Pookie created a topic of WindBreaker

When we were fighting... I thought he was kinda... cucumber

Pookie answered question about question
Maturing is realising that you should never compare yourself to the famous figures you see online.