Nazuna Nonohara, an androphobia porn actresses. This manga revolves around Nazuna's past, and the tr...
- Author: Nonohara nazuna
- Genres: Ecchi / Sexual violence / Drama / Psychological / Tragedy
The world's largest collection of used bookstores, Kanda-Jinb?ch?. There begins the story of the unf...
- Author: toume kei
- Genres: Seinen / Slice of Life / Mystery
After turning 65 and bereaved of her husband, Umiko visits a cinema for the first time in decades. A...
- Author: tarachine john
- Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Drama / Slice of Life
Infamously known as Phantom Solitaire, the dramatic illusionist Tena Sorimura is always searching fo...
- Author: Ryohgo narita,Shinta fujimoto,Yata sugami,Matsutakeume
- Genres: Seinen(M) / Mature / Action / Drama / Fantasy / Magic / Super Power / Supernatural Action Drama Fantasy Magic Super Power Supernatural
After saving the earth, aliens have taken up residence with the humans in Japan. Nomamoto, a factory...
- Author:
- Genres: Comedy / Sci-fi / Shounen
Every 20 years, a secretive game is held, in which participants duke it out in a battle royale with ...
- Author: EJIMA Eri
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Seinen / Slice of Life / Supernatural / Tragedy
Sachi and Yuka, friends from college, are housemates and partners. Yuka, who is free-spirited, and S...
- Author: Shibara Hiro
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Seinen / Adult / yuri
This is a story from once upon a time - but not recently. In an abandoned village at the foot of Mou...
- Author:
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Supernatural
A request was sent to two manga artists, M and H, from the editorial department of the Ichijinsha co...
- Author: Pear
- Genres: Horror / Mystery
To what extent must a housekeeper do things to be acceptable? One of the noble families of England:...
- Author: yana toboso
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Supernatural
Faceless shadow nobles living in a vast mansion, attended by living dolls who spend much of their ti...
- Author: Soumatou
- Genres: Seinen / Slice Of Life / Supernatural / mystery