Loganberry1017 shared experience about discord server
I've made a book club centered around stories found here. We're doing weekly stories to read together, weekly vc events every Friday, I post daily stories and manga related questions, you can ask for recommendations and we have frequent manga discussions in general. We are currently reading Stigma and vote on a new story every sunday
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
I pretended I was drunk when I came out to my friends I never came out to my friends it was all on Skype And I laughed and I changed the subject she said What's with this dog mottif I said do you have something against dooooooooooogs From Beach Life-in-Death by Car Seat Headrest
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
A canonized saint, who the fuck are you
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
I mean you're being a dick about it, I feel like most people would get defensive about it in that instance.
Loganberry1017 answered question about need advice
This is more a blanket complaint but any story that has it be like "this is the kingdom of Frankia" or just some minor variations on a country or historical country is just so hacky.
Loganberry1017 shared experience about discord server
Tonight at my manga book club we're gonna be doing a tier ranking of mangas. We also have daily story recommendations, frequent manga discussions, and vote on a weekly story to read together.

264 people did   /   621 want to do


Loganberry1017 answered question about question
The thing is, it actually requires some level of talent to effectively bait people and I think we can all agree that it can be funny when done right. But I've never seen it done right here because all it boils down to here is either a bland racist thing or a bland sexual thing.
Loganberry1017 shared experience about discord server
I've made a book club centered around stories found here. We're doing weekly stories to read together, weekly vc events every Friday, I post daily stories and manga related questions, you can ask for recommendations and we have frequent manga discussions in general. We are reading Love Sick Dog and vote on a new one every Sunday
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
Those moody pricks from Lost in the Clouds
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
Jeez I've never seen this post a billion times before
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
I don't experience stress as an emotion anymore, I just, in the words of Modest Mouse, float on
Loganberry1017 shared experience about discord server
I've made a book club centered around stories found here. We're doing weekly stories to read together, weekly vc events every Friday, I post daily stories and manga related questions, you can ask for recommendations and we have frequent manga discussions in general. We are reading Pygmalion and vote on a new one every Sunday
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
I don't know what any of this means, I'm cold and scared
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
Right now it's Beach Life-in-Death by Car Seat Headrest
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
Epstein was an intelligence asset for the US government
Loganberry1017 answered question about discord server
Oh well I have one for Mangago https://discord.gg/U4wZBMNpCY
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
Love Liza was this movie where Phillip Seymour Hoffman's wife kills herself and he can't bring himself to read her note. He begins acting weird at work, trying to overcompensate and eventually ends up one time getting high on gasoline and then just becomes an addict to it. So he starts going to this place to buy it that sells model planes, so ends ......
Loganberry1017 answered question about question
The way the mainstream has treated Gaza and the 2024 election has pushed me significantly further left; I used to avoid labeling myself a democratic socialist, now I openly am. Seeing the supposedly moral party that opposes authoritarianism fully embrace a far right country's genocide, fully embrace the far right's immigration policy, and spend an ......