gone created a topic of Exclusive No-Love Zone

it was good
but it lacked connections between the main couple
like nothing was really developped
and they ended up together way to quickly
i got bored at the 40th chapter

gone answered question about question
i love being single because i know ill get bored of the other part quickly... i hate hurting ppl i never sought for a relationship in my entire life i think bc im not ready to give myself and cater to someone else im at peace with myself and i love my own company also i find dating apps so weird like... why you're looking for a lover like this and ......
gone asked a question

rec your favorite work lovers bl manhwa please!!
(not the famous ones... i think u read them all)
your facorite alpha x alpha

gone asked a question

please recs of bls with a thrilling 2nd couple
like you find the second couple more enjoyabke than the second (like the one in Mr 100% perfect)

gone asked a question

back in the days
we enjoyed a lot of manhwas
but these i feel like there isnt even one that i enjoy
so i have multiple theories
since the genre (bl/gl) is more famous than ever a lot og authors who wants to become famous take this road to make a name in the industry (let say like thai actors that play gay roles to land more roles after that because they know they'll have a string fanbase that will support them)
or maybe since i read a lot of manhwas of this genre i can easily notice when a story is bad
or because the stories are full of s€xy scenes without a decent plot
or maybe bc before we had only a few stories to read and we used to get more excited about them

and maybe that might be a mix of every of these reasons but i hate it
i keep on rereading the ones i love but i cant find anything new to enjiy and i get a but frustrating

gone answered question about question
procrastination that led to nothing but remorse and degradation of every part of my life
gone asked a question

can you give me a website where i can watch anime

and just like that
their history became one of the most boring ive ever read

gone asked a question

mc who wears glasses please
and an ennemies to lovers if possible

i hate the fact that haneum literally looks like my actual crush
im so down for this one!!
we love sensitive men who wear glasses

gone asked a question

some enemies to lovers in a work place setting PLEASEEE