holy shit the art got so bad LMAO

Sinia created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

plot moving at light speed in chapter 3 lmao

Sinia created a topic of Homeless/No Home


Sinia created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

yandere my ass ive seen this exact behaviour from edgelord kids on roblox LMAO

Sinia created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)
Sinia created a topic of Dive (yeonpil)
Sinia created a topic of Sweet Spot (se yang)

the translators had a whole ass arc

10/10 would recommend for the translators side story alone

Sinia created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

"errrmmm akshually the new guy isn't a netkama everyone know he's a dude irl"

Sinia created a topic of Can't Think Straight

they're both such menance LMAO

Sinia created a topic of From Hate to Fate

the first couple barely got any nsfw scenes I feel cheated sis......

Sinia created a topic of A mail from my dead lover

mid /nosleep but with cute boys kissing

Sinia created a topic of Garfield's Revenge

Read the whole novel and it was enjoyable. Came for the cute cat stayed for the intriguing family drama and murder mystery. Main couple can be icky cuz step-siblings dynamic but idgaf, though take it as a warning for those who do care.

Sinia created a topic of The Millennial Tiger -

ngl this shit is near unreadable like it's not even hot anymore

Sinia created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

errrrrmmmm the omega is actually the mc's bf's mom

Sinia created a topic of The Tyrant's Reign

every single character become a different person LMAO