If you click on a manga’s homepage, scroll down and look to the right. You’ll see the manga’s tags, so click on one of them. It’ll then take you to the tag search page.
Click ANY manga and then you can find "Top Tags" on the right side of the page if you'll scroll down. Just choose and click any tags there then you can type what you're looking for on the 'Search Tab'.
If you click on a manga’s homepage, scroll down and look to the right. You’ll see the manga’s tags, so click on one of them. It’ll then take you to the tag search page. Delusional Thot
Click ANY manga and then you can find "Top Tags" on the right side of the page if you'll scroll down. Just choose and click any tags there then you can type what you're looking for on the 'Search Tab'. Tres22b
Thank you for uploading <3<3<3