(Ignore my other comment asking if this was a dream sry abt y’all) OMGGGGGG YALL IM SO HAPPY I LET THIS MARINATE AND I BINGED READ THISSSS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
She has a dream about back in the day when her and the mc had a picnic. Technically it's all real because that dream was about the past but rn the story takes place several years after the mc left her.
She has a dream about back in the day when her and the mc had a picnic. Technically it's all real because that dream was about the past but rn the story takes place several years after the mc left her. Cookiemonster
oh okay ty ty, also how old are they rn? Or the age isn’t said I forgot, sorry
pls the plot. Like it genuinely was so freaking interesting not even the end of chap 1-start of chap 2 MF’S DONT EVEN HAVE A PROPER CONVO AND START FUDGING LIKE dude come on. The plot has so much potential, just put the love making down and do the plot pls.