Dont worry, im also crazy
The story was good and i personas liked the side couple. One thing though, dunno bothers me sometimes.
Its hard to click on the next episode everytime theres a new update
I wish I had one of those
ong I’d be eating everybody’s booty
Cheat!!!! Idc if cheating is bad but ryohei clearly has a hidden agenda
Reading this makes my stomach upset
This was so beautiful. It makes me realize that so much can be portrayed in a few panels
I like it when the bottoms cheat on the toxic top but in this case its not really cheating because they aren't really in a relationship.
So, im hoping the author is not playing with my feelings and they actually do it but I SWEAR TO GOD if i see that expired cheeto puff of a husband try to ruin this by coming back home...
Please don't jinx it
In seob, do you remember that thats the dude that raped you? just curious
Dont worry, im also crazy