Am I hallucinating or did they first say “she’s already an adult” in the first chapter, the character sheets were only the first renditions meaning they were changed before final publication, so is she still 15 tf??? Cuz then that’s weird af and i feel like dropping it if that’s the case, she looks like a kid and that’s already making me tweak out. I only read so far cuz they said she was an adult….man..
Just finished reading the novel, the manhwa hasn’t even gotten to A QUARTER of the plot and drama, I’m so excited for the manhwa releases
Spoil mee, please(in dm)
I’m so sorry but if I were to explain it, it would end up as a 5 page essay and im not even exaggerating here’s the novel link I read from if h wanna read too, https://mentoltrans.wordpress.com/the-hunters-gonna-lay-low/
I want to ask in what chapter in the novel is the same with latest chapter of the manhwa version?
It usually has it stated under every translated chapter, I started from 42 in the novel from where he meets the Highschool S tier girl
Okey thanks! Im still carching up to the latest manhwa chapters