Royal baby really is different breed . Fall from horse ? No problem Multiple fall from fainting? No problem Harsh movement ? No problem Getting kick in the tummy ? No problem m That kid better grow up to be a strong, smart not idiot like their parents who can’t even communicate properly.
Emperor Yan asking if Enshou want kids with Jin Jin like what kind of stupid question is that??? They are the first one to actually take the breeding seriously
They should make ID card with their second gender stated on it. I AM SO PISSED OFF WHEN ALPHA PRETEND TO BE BETA AND STUFF THEN STUFF LIKE THIS HAPPENED.
The baby is so strong. The baby probably will survive this kidnapping too. The strongest baby in the entire mpreg universe
built as fuck
Its the royalty blood
Pls.. Louis fall almost every chapter but he never bleeds just. How the fuck did the baby hold on?
royal blood is different breed. They tough cookie