why does it matter if the author is a man? if you like it you like it, no need to be disappointed by something so trivial when you can just enjoy the series( ̄∇ ̄")
why does it matter if the author is a man? if you like it you like it, no need to be disappointed by something so trivial when you can just enjoy the series( ̄∇ ̄") shelby
I'm not disappointed by the fact that the artist is a man
I hope that other authors also make stories like this. It's not just pure sm*t but also gives build up to the characters relationship and proper pacing
It kinda disappointed me that no one seemed to have pointed out that the artist is a man
Ahh that's why they look like that... *side eye
wow fr? how did you know?
how the fuck do u expect us to know???
Didn't mean it to be negative, I just find it amusing and I absolutely love this story
I found out from the author's note chapter and from other comments as well.
why does it matter if the author is a man? if you like it you like it, no need to be disappointed by something so trivial when you can just enjoy the series( ̄∇ ̄")
I'm not disappointed by the fact that the artist is a man
For me only a woman could produce something so close to what women want as a story :0 A welcome surprise as I have more prejudices than I thought lol
you’re disappointed no one pointed it out for you..? why? does? it? matter?
Girl it's not that deep calm your horses