Enchantress's feed

Enchantress says:

Anything that breathes and speak 7 or less languages, are low IQs, esp the dummycRATs pedo Kamala Harris supporters. May all the sexual abuse stories that happened to them haunt them for life. May they kts and offer their blood to MINGWA. This is the JINX. Suffer until your last.

Briar Rose Sleeping Beauty November 25, 2024 2:32 pm

They should kts their SA stories are hilarious! Praying they'll keep living in their prisons LOL! Payback's a bitch!

Whatever they're up to, they sound exactly like the basic uneducated, dumb and racist black and dark skinned bitches from blue states that are poor af. Illiterate dogs. Illegals. Illegal readers. F yeah. Cults from well known groups - Islam bitches, pagan bitches from slums and corrupted countries, trans bitches, gender cults, wannabe East Asians bitches (wannabe trans racials that can't even speak Korean, Japanese or basic Mandarin lmao so incompetent). Thieves are proud idiots. The future is better off without mentally ill idiots that can't understand basic biology. The best of the best will continue to cancel out the DEI idiots. If the world shifts to survival of the fittest, they'll be the first to go extinct. Low IQs are retarded.

Enchantress November 25, 2024 7:45 pm

Enchantress November 25, 2024 7:48 pm

Nobody accused them of being intelligent

Briar Rose Sleeping Beauty November 27, 2024 5:26 am
Nobody accused them of being intelligent Enchantress

Yes, I should lower my expectations lol

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