maybe the point of this story is just a toxic romance, it doesn’t seem like the authors aiming to redeem the top or anything. honestly it’d be kinda forced if they decided to take him and make him super nice. idk i just don’t think it’s the aim of the story.
As someone who’s taken anal beads up the ass I can confirm that the first couple times when it’s pulled out it just feels like you’re shitting, when it’s in it feels g tho (⌒▽⌒)
Taking a poll, I prefer lightsabers and I wondering what’s a round about ratio of the two So like if you prefer lightsabers and dislike if you prefer uncensored !
No I know, it doesn’t matter to me either, although I have seen comments about how people were put off so they couldn’t continue reading which I find unfortunate, For me if the story’s g tho then I’m g! I was just curious
does anyone have link to raws