I have a big heart for kind people who are genuine.
I hate drama.
I hate illegals, illegal readers who are jerks, pedos and groomers.
I hate those who disrespect their parents.
I hate those who do not think it's inappropriate to do disgusting groomer pedo incest plays online on forums and comments. You will rot in hell or whatever kind of hell you believe in for abusing children who simply want to read comics peacefully on mangago.
You have depression that's why you're posting disgusting incest pedo groomer plays in the forums? That means you belong in the mental asylums and prisons. Don't try to groom other children to accept your disgusting behavior, you ingrates.
You have with no loving parents? That's your fault for being trash online. That's your character. You act like trash, your parents will hate and disown you.
If your parents are trash, then don't become like them. Stop abusing other readers online. It's disgusting.
Bring the race card, I'll block you
Sometimes pain is necessary for growth (don't reply to this post)