I see a lot comments about Sugiki not being able to take the submissive role during sex or that if the sex is the problem they can just be switches. That's not it people. It's not the sexual aspect that is the problem, it's deeper than that. Sugiki has been seeing Suzuki as a god of dance, his inspiration, and someone who is capable to become more than he already is. But now he is starting to question if he has really been seeing the real Suzuki. Was he in love with the Suzuki in front of him as a person or just confused his deeply adoration of his glorified version of Suzuki as love? That's why on chapter 28 he thinks, "I never actually looked at you properly, Suzuki-sensei" and this is also why on the same chapter Suzuki says, "Dumbass. Swapping positions won't help you become one with me." Sugiki can't submit himself to Suzuki. Not in the sexual sense, but in the sense that Sugiki can't give himself into a more intimate relationship with Suzuki because their feelings for each other are not the same.

Idk about the rest of the world, but I love reading the comment section after I have read a released chapter just to see if people had the same sentiments as me. But when the comment section is filled with comments that targets other readers it gets very upsetting. I get it. I get that rape is ultimately wrong. I get that manga genres do not portray the horrendous act to its horrifying glory. I get that even if it's a fictional work some still find it offensive to read. And I'm sure I'm not the only one that understands all of that. Heck, I'm sure a lot of us condemn rape as much as the next person. I'm not saying one should stop commenting this things. You are allowed to express yourself however you may please and criticize any work however you may wish. All I'm trying to say is try not to view everyone as lesser than you just because we read this type of stories. At the end of the day you don't know the reasons as to why someone would decide to read this piece of work. It could be the art, it could be the intricate plot, who knows?

I remember reading this the first time and feeling heartbroken for sensei. I’m glad chunchun and sensei didn’t end up together though. They communicated their feelings very poorly. It wasn’t until sensei had that incident that they finally opened up. But alas, too late. I’m happy for Mamura. He was so caring, gentle, and very understanding. Like seriously, where can I get someone like Mamura?
The plot was lost and left behind eons ago cuz where is this going now