This was meant to be fluffy but the comments killed the buzz ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

And like they all want the pink haired guy to suffer? Like he’s the main character… so of course they’ll make up?? All the pink haired guy did was take a bit more time to truly come to terms w his feelings (bc cmon the guy wasnt even homosexual to begin w so of course he needed time to internalise it all) and that missed timing hurt the uke.

aite, spoiler peeps— don’t be a pain and start getting mad at the people who havent read the spoilers getting mad at the king. we haven’t read the spoilers so we don’t know what ~tragic~ backstory our king’s got to justify his actions but let us be mad in peace LOL like shiet, yall didnt have to come out w the spoiler card and start defending the king
also, not cool how some of yall are just out here talking about the spoiler in the comments wo the spoiler tag the ones who do put spoiler tag, thank u ure a hero

You have to be stupid if you couldn't tell he's got horrible trauma with women even without the spoiler. Literally read the chapters again and tell me that what happened just now wasn't a trauma response. Y'all act like he murdered his entire family or that he bullied the queen or whatever. He's cold to the queen because of her previous actions. He can't be with her because it reminds him of something horrific. Jfc y'all do not understand how trauma works.

hmm... i don’t think i’m stupid, and saying that to a person you don’t know is even more low than throwing insults at a fictional character my argument here is that, without knowing the king’s tragic backstory, the readers have the right to be ‘mad’. in fact, i think it’s more respectful to respond strongly to the story or a character bc it shows that the author has done a great job at evoking an emotion out of the readers— and here, even though we’ve all sensed that the king’s animosity towards the queen isn’t purely out of spite and it’s bc *queue king’s backstory that is now spoiled*— this strong reaction is completely valid w what the readers are currently presented up till now. sure, you can argue that some people may have zEro comment etiquette and throw crass insults, but my argument is that their frustrations is valid and not misplaced. if ur argument is that “wOw can people be a bit nicer and stop saying really horrible things online even tho it’s directed to a fictional character”— then yea, i agree. but between showing a strong reaction towards a character in the story (which may have been the author’s intention all along bc as the french say it, ‘succès de scandale’ which means any piece of art whose success is attributed to some element of controversy) AND spoiling the story that spoils a lot of people’s anticipation and enjoyment and the hardwork of the scanlation team uploading this every week... i think showcasing strong emotions (which i assure you will die down after the readers uncover a bit more of the king’s story as they read on bc people are fickle that way) is much better than the latter.
Also, regarding the comment ‘people are downplaying trauma’... i think that’s an invalid argument ASSUMING none of us had known what the king had gone through. had that comment been made after the webtoon had reached that chapter uncovering the backstory and people are still being insensitive to the king’s character, it would’ve been an acceptable argument. but for this case, even if we all had our suspicions that the king was suffering from somethinG, not a lot of us really knew the grits of his story, so that comment is a bit of a stretch.
don’t get me wrong! i love this story and the characters. i thrive off of a bit of angst and im sure the writer knows this which is why this chapter was written in the first place— beautifully written for the peeps who love some pain and heartache. and now after being spoiled of the story, im an even bigger fan of the writer for being able to realistically justify the king’s actions that doesnt disconnect his current behaviour! ive read many isekais where the husband was trash and suddenly out of nowhere he makes a 180 degree flip wo a solid justification, so this story is great! and so far i never hated any of the characters. this is a great story and it’s such a shame that 1) the comment section is literally bad vibes rn, i was hoping to read more of “BLANCHE IS SO CUTE TAKE MY HEART ALREADY (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ” instead of this and 2) literally having the next 20 chapters spoiled
it’s the meme for me guys