Boooooring no jk jk but serious tf you mean "alright!?" Couldn't one of you look like you received the best news of your life and all your dreams are finally coming true kind of reaction.
Idk what I was expecting. This ending is so ordinary so predictable and and AND reading the comments, no side story? No babies? Missed opportunity and sad me crying at what could have been. ╥﹏╥
No need to complain about watermarks.
1. Translate it yourself if you don't like it
2. You should appreciate this person took time in there free schedule to translate this.
3. Eventually the official translations will be here
I like Lee Nok doting on Jaeshin as a puppy it's so cute.
Things are about to go down. Kyungjoon you MF what are you up to.
I agree with the comments, I need to see babies.
And also it's about time we get past calling him "sir." Say his name Sejoon, say, "Taeheon I love you." I was getting weirded out he still calls him sir after all they've been through.
Whatever happens I want this to end with Tristan dealing the final blow and ending his Uncle's life.
There has got to be something wrong with Shahid, he can't possibly think that what he is doing to Yesing is love. Man's fucked in the head. Shame on Yesing for thinking Shahid's way of affection is love. Think with your brain not your heart, logic over love buddy bc Shahid will never ever be it.
Smh man cus that's not how you treat a sweetheart like Kihan, especially on his birthday. You could of handled that better Yesing. I know you'll never leave your dick oaf bf but don't treat Kihan's confession like a joke.
My dislike for Shahid will be forever, or I'd need a damn good reason he could ever be redeemable. The Shahid development is going down hill and straight off a cliff splashing into the sea. Okay maybe a little over-exaggerated, but he makes me mad.
I'm just now remembering Wren got fucked over and used by both Monroe brothers. (Tristan's Dad & Uncle) And he has a father son relationship with Tristan that is almost crossing the line. Wren's been entangled with the Monroes for a long time. That is gross. Was just randomly reminded, I don't feel bad for him at all.
OMG found decent translation for S3's first two chapters. Would share but I'm guessing links are not comment approved. (my posts don't show up tried twice) Ugh my gosh season 3 was worth the wait.
edit, message me if you want the link
What was the author thinking making Seongrok act so out of character like that. The whole chapter felt uncomfortable and looked painful. What a distasteful chapter. I'm confused as to where this story is even going anymore. At the very least I hope Jeoh gets some sort of happiness by the end of this.
Ugh I need raws. I had a link but the domain expired . I've been anticipating this manhwa since it went on hiatus. Now that it's back I'm so impatient lol. I'm sure it'll be worth waiting a little longer. *still keeps hunting for raws anyways*
These comments are sending me xD
I hope Ray gets what he deserves and more. Dude do you even hear the bs you're spouting.
Shahids dick needs to be caged. I've seen about enough that it's getting boring.
Yesing sweetie, Idk what you see in that dick for brains.
I'm done just end it. Decapitate Matias's and Wren's heads and throw them off a cliff period. Let the MLs be happy the end.
I change my mind don't feel bad for Wren any longer bc he violated his "son".
I hate Matias's guts.
I feel bad seeing Tristan so distraught.
I kinda understand why Ethan did what he did. (although it's still a big no no that he kissed his ex)
I thought I wouldn't enjoy the loving making this chapter but I did. It just shows how much they love each other, that they would doing anything not to lose what they have no matter what.
Duuuuude noooo! Went to see what all the commenting fuss was about concerning the raws and boy oh boy did I not expect that. Jeoh can't catch a break even with seungrok. I wanna be wrong bc I can't read a thing BUT the way Jeoh reacted at the end of the last raw chapter says it all.
I'm freaking on edge man. Tristan and Wren are one straddle from a fuck and I hate it.
As much as I want to the enjoy the sexy times about to ensue, it's obvious when Ethan sees that bite mark all hell will break lose. I'm not looking forward to that. Wren makes me angry but I don't wish anything bad to happen to him. Mans been through enough as it is.
On the upside Ethan looks gorgeous af. Luscious long black hair, pretty red eyes with the glasses on and his beautiful dark skin. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Sebastian and Kangdae for the win. I'm happy Sebastian has a love of his own and I'm glad we got to see that this chapter. Cool my head from all the goddang cheating going on. At this point might as well root for Sebastian and Kangdae bc the ML's are making me mad.
I just want to say the exchange of blood in here is cheating period. Tristan sharing with Wren and Ethan's ex sharing with him.
Since Ethan's dad died you fall for his son??? What the freak man. Cheating, grooming, catching feelings for your father figure. Where the freaking hell is this going!?
AND IT'S JUST AN ASSUMPTION BUUUUT, NO WAAAAAAY IS ETHAN GONNA TURN TRISTAN INTO A VAMPIRE! He wanted his exes (never gonna remeber Ethan's exes name) blood. His blood can turn anyone full blooded.....OH MY FREAKING GOD. Is this what you meant by keep Tristan yours forever or something like that.
My heads spinning. So much to unpack here. Like duuuude ETHAN HAD A FIANCEE BACK IN THE DAY! His former fiancee liked his dad!? Tristan blushing over Wren. Wren getting hard over Tristan. WTF this is getting messy. I still wanna mention it again. I HOPE TO GOD WREN AND TRISTAN DO NOT FUCK OR I'LL SCREAM AND THROW MY PHONE. AND former fiancee (forgot his name) better stay in his goddamn lane. But I mean can't blame him a little bc Ethan provoked him when he indulged his kiss request. I'LL SAY IT, Y'ALL ARE CHEATING WHORES. Okay nobody cheat (that kiss counts in my book) fucked nobody yet but man I feel like shit is gonna go down. I hope I'm wrong. Please let me be wrong. Excuse me I just wanted to rant sense or no sense.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I cursed up a storm at this chapter. Make my heart skip a beat thinking Tristan and Wren might go at it. I already hated Matias fucking Wren. If shit went down I would have cursed the trajectory this manhwa landed. Then low-key yell to myself I'm out I'm done I draw the line.
Tristan's reaction at the end, not what I wanted to see. Please don't let Tristan catch feelings please I beg of you. Wren is already making me mad. Fucking your "sort of" sons uncle then catching feelings for your son. Like please this is too much. Matias fucked you up real good and I hate it.
I'm slowly waiting for a lot of chapters to release for season 3 then I'll start reading again. The first 4 raws for season 3 I saw got me in agony watching the MLs suffer. I just want them to be happy.