Comments judging the youngest brothers looks are cracking me up. I don't know why I'm reading this still when I don't like it all that much. I got curious and now I guess I wanna know how it ends.
This is really wholesome and cute. Before I knew it I finished all the chapters and now I want more.
I love how Kanae and Sara randomly found each other. It helped them learn and experience new things they wouldn't have otherwise. They're bonding and falling in love without realizing it.
This is just the beginning so I shouldn't be making my choice on who I think Aoi should end up with, but my gut tells me the ex. They could have ended in a misunderstanding bc he is is a friendly person who likes chatting with people. Aoi could have gotten the wrong idea and for that their relationship fizzled out. Seems like he deeply cares about her since he states he hasn't ever been with anyone since their breakup. Ngl the ex is a hottie and their chemistry is off the roof, but I get Aoi's hesitation. She wants more then a physical bond, something on a deeper level then that.
On the other hand there is sweet boy Hayato. I'm sure she'll feel something once they get to know each other. So far they gel well and have similar interests. I can imagine with that combined and if or when they have sex, it will blow her mind.
Tough decision but for now I'm on the exes side. Aoi and the ex need to talk about why they broke up So I can grasp who she should be with.
Not so great start but I hope it turns around. And I hope the Boss is the bottom. I wanna see him writhing in big dick pleasure.
I freaking new we'd get cockblocked by the end of the chapter noooooooo lol.
This manga is too funny. I love all their reactions and expressions. I'm really enjoying this.
Oh my gosh yes the next few chapters are about to get wet and wild lol.
This is just a horny clown taking advantage aka grooming of a girl who doesn't know anything about sex or relationships. Now I remember why I dropped it. At least with the other bad ones I've read the ML is at least good looking.
This whole story makes me laugh and gives me the creeps all at the same time. I wish the FL the best and hope she doesn't catch feelings for the ML.
It would have been better if it wasn't a oneshot. Then I'd like to think there wouldn't have been SA and grape.
I can imagine the ML slowly trying to win the demon king's heart the proper way. The demon king keeps rejecting him even though she slowly does fall for him.
Oh wells it is what it is. Read it because I really liked the art. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
ML is a butt face. Sure he is handsome but his personality is trash. Ofc I'd run away too (ref ch 1) but I'd kick him in the face while doing so. What a cumber for brains lol.
I started out disliking the story solely on the sibling dynamic BUT! Finding out they aren't blood related swayed my repulse. Now I'm reading just because I got myself oddly invested lol. It's pretty alright for a rivalry story of who will win the fair maidens heart.
Definetly rooting for the eldest because he looks better and suits Aris more. And I just find the youngest ugly lol. I'm definetly glad the eldest took Aris's first time before the youngest could.
Something about the youngest I don't like. You're digging yourself a hole blaming your libido on your actions.
It's like good and bad, being more bad. Story is pretty decent if you take away the incest. But since incest is the main focus, cus like damn y'all can't stop saying; little brother or big sister or big brother for even a minute. At least say your goddamn names to make me feel a little less repulsed, because I get it no need to emphasize you are all siblings. Siblings without morals and consciences and just the horny radar who will plunge into any hole without thought.
The art just keeps getting better and better with each chapter. The last 4 chapters from the raws are everything. I read it slowly (moreso looked bc I can't read Korean) and savoured the amazing art down to the last detail. The gorgeous art enraptured me in the story so much so it felt like I could feel how Nok was feeling. And now after that savoury read, I'm hot and it definitely tickled my fancy lol. Good Lord this manhwa is chefs kiss.
Y'all make me not want to read this, solely bc I don't want to see the sweetest husband in the world get his heart broken. ML deserves her happiness and sacrifices sometimes have to be made but, this seems like it will hurt no matter what happens. I'm genuinely sad ML has to make a difficult decision. I already feel this way and I've only read the comments.
The shear curiosity so you read or skim through
The decent into morbid hell over what you consumed
The sinful regret that washes over you
The recollection to MRM and all it's horrors that escaped
Fr though I skimmed chapter one and everything was a shit show. The art is just not it and I'm repulsed by the anatomy. The comments tho got me laughing in tears. Some authors are out of their minds. They intrusively let their ideas run wild on paper without any ounce of shame or regret.
I swear when Jaeshin almost offed the damn queen he should have.
Kyungjoon you bastard I hope you get what you deserve. You have been on Lee Noks side since forever and this is the shit you pull. You side with that wretched sorry excuse for a queen. Now I fear Kyungjoon will be a double agent and he might try to kill Lee Nok. Jaeshin don't you dare leave Lee Nok's side bc things are about to get dicey
Oh my gosh so many chapters this is amazing. Time to start rereading from the start to refresh my memory. Love this manga.
The only complaint I ever have of this manga is that the chapters are way too freaking short. I felt like I read 3 chapters as one whole chapter. I feel like we're getting somewhere yet nowhere, like the chapters are just stretching out into smaller chapters so it won't end so soon. I read this in less than 5 minutes.
Other then that I love this dumb in love couple. It's sexy, sweet and cute all at the same time. Also wouldn't mind more of the little brothers story with his girlfriend.