Jdene's feed

This is just the beginning so I shouldn't be making my choice on who I think Aoi should end up with, but my gut tells me the ex. They could have ended in a misunderstanding bc he is is a friendly person who likes chatting with people. Aoi could have gotten the wrong idea and for that their relationship fizzled out. Seems like he deeply cares about her since he states he hasn't ever been with anyone since their breakup. Ngl the ex is a hottie and their chemistry is off the roof, but I get Aoi's hesitation. She wants more then a physical bond, something on a deeper level then that.

On the other hand there is sweet boy Hayato. I'm sure she'll feel something once they get to know each other. So far they gel well and have similar interests. I can imagine with that combined and if or when they have sex, it will blow her mind.

Tough decision but for now I'm on the exes side. Aoi and the ex need to talk about why they broke up So I can grasp who she should be with.