Jdene's feed

Momo: I'm not gonna fault Momo for doing what she does. She's a preteen and is acting like preteens do. All I ask of you is don't cockblock Umehiko and Theo.
Jacques: Not the big busty bimbo and I love that. She seems really nice and took good care of bratty Momo. Love to see more of Momo and her throughout the story.
Umehiko: Good natured loving big brother. Hot chef maiden down for the D. (lol) Really though all around good guy who helps where he can.
Theo: Hellllloooo good looking. Distasteful personality at the start. Umehiko softened him up and now he is just so fine and so sweet. And did I not mention good looking lol. Sexy Theo is *chefs kiss*