Dang it. Yeonjoo made me cry like for real cry. The feeling of missing someone and feeling scared you'll forget everything about them once their gone. Hits me deep in the heart. Makes me think of loved ones, pets and people in general who will come into your life or were there when you were born and someday not be there anymore, because that's how life goes. Dangnabit it's just a manhwa. Didn't have to make me feel deep emotions at this late hour. Wild how pixels, art and words can make you feel.

My interpretation of the ending is, it is what is it is. Meaning Ilic has been with Sayan this long so he might as well enjoy what he can bc there will never be a way out. And with that ending I think throughout their time together Ilic somewhat likes Sayan and he definitely enjoys the sex.
Also how dare you end it mid ride. I always wanted to see Ilic top Sayan and ride his brains out. Ilic toping Sayan was a measly dream I wish happened and it almost came true until you cliffed me and ended it all. ┗( T﹏T )┛
Well anyways what else can I say. I read it, it ended and I kind of liked it. Sayan for sure is a crazy SOB in love. Ilic is just a man trapped with a psycho.

Oh boy oh boy pinky haired boy is already pinching my last nerve. Everything he has done so far (saw the raws) screams , "deck him."
The informant with the tweeting ducks made me chuckle. Whatchu doin' with a bunch of ducks that tweet lol.
Also (annoying as he is) pinky haired busting out Sabrina on karaoke caught me off guard lol. Thank God I don't have to hear his ear piercing singing lmao. Poor Huijae subjected to ear busting notes lol.
Spoiler: If pinky haired annoys ya now, he'll make you wanna punch him square in the face. Thank freaking God he missed his opportunity two times in a row (and hopefully last time he tries that shit). I swear pinky haired boy and is two lackeys are like some kinda of temu alibaba wish shein downgrade of the loan sharks lmao
You should have shown his face for the S1 finale. As if we aren't dying to see what he looks like. At this point with the last few chapters, I've just been skimming around hoping for the face reveal. Lowkey I'm already over the plot but still reading.
S2 better start off with a face reveal. Don't give me a, "Chris saw your face reveal only", and us readers saw nothing.