I used to believe that rain was God crying so when I was little I used to sit in my room while it was raining and try to console God. I would sit in my room for hours telling him that life gets better and that I was there for him.
Stay respectful, hmm. I really wonder why you felt the need to post this now. Right now the world is going through a serious pandemic. In the United States, LGBTQ+ people no longer have access to health care. LGBTQ+ refugees who face persecution in their home countries are no longer able to come into the United States for sanctuary. People have bee......
LGBTQIA+ community to straight cis girls: stop speaking over us Straight cis girls: aCtUaLlY-- I tend to write a lot because I have a lot to say. So I am just going to keep this as brief as I possibly can...no promises. "It's just fiction." You do realize that there are several, SEVERAL scientific studies out there showing you how fiction DOES aff......
"Love isn't for you." It isn't meant the way it sounds. It means, you shouldn't love someone to satisfy your own desires. You should love your special someone to make them happy. When you focus on what you can give, rather than what you can get out of love, the reward is far greater than you could ever imagine. I've seen countless relationships fai......
Thank you. "It's just fiction" is not and has never been a legitimate argument. You can't pretend that fictional works don't influence or reflect lived realities. Take Uncle Tom's Cabin, a work of anti-slavery fiction that had a significant effect on popular sentiments regarding black people and slavery in the U.S. If that book hadn't been publish......
Girl are you a bowling ball because i want to put my fingers in all 3 holes
All through out my life, I've been a bigger girl. I was born into a family with a 6'2(189 cm) mother and 6'4(195 cm) father, I was the shortest of my siblings being 5'9(180 cm). So, to my immediate family I was small, but to everyone else I was a giant, and it greatly shifted my mental balance. That aside, I was also quite chunky. People would al......
why do we have weird photos?