i usually never leave comments but i think its awful how people justify the teachers behavior. he is an adult man. he should not react to one of his students having a crush on him, he should turn him down and reject him instead of playing with him and flirting back. thats just awful. i was really rooting for hirose and nakamura to be friends, bcs it seemed very one-sided for nakamura but the teacher really gave me the ick throughout the whole story. he belongs in jail, like the teacher in doukyuusei.
i dont get why this is so hyped when their relationship is based on RAPE. junta committed a CRIME. ITS NOT LOVE. and stories like this should not be normalized. i hope this gets slandered so hard the author takes it down and calls back all the physical copies.
stop trying to ban books that YOU don't like
Just because you dont find value in the story doesn't mean others wont
If you don't like it
even if its fiction, that doesnt excuse all of the fans hyping up fucking RAPE. if thsi was pedophilia would u also say "oh its just fiction" if u would you're fucking sick. and if you dont like MY comment and MY thoughts. DONT READ IT. idgaf what a weirdo like you is saying this manga is fucking sick. it could've been cute if the author hadn't based their relationship on RAPE.
Step out of your naive little box for 1 minute and look at the bigger picture
There are actual REAL rapists and child predators out there doing horrible things and instead of insulting or bashing them, you are attacking people online who in all likelihood have never harmed anyone and just wanted to read a smutty FANTASY, which there are tons of different reasons as to why they could be reading it
Your not actually helping anything, your just being a hypocritical dick
Not everything in the world has to be "cute" to get some enjoyment out of it
The world is filled with horrible things and sometimes an outlet is needed in the form of stories like this.
If you don't get that then you are probably too immature to be reading on a site like this.
you're just sick for trying to justify it. read it all you want idc but promoting and hyping it is where i draw the line. shit like this shouldn't be painted in a positive light even if it is an outlet for some inconvenient tastes. idk where you got the part from where i apparently said that everything has to be cute but no actually it doesnt have to but we shouldn't normalize stuff like this and thats exactly what every fan of this is doing, praising it even. go live your sick fantasy or whatever but you shiuld really get help if you think thats normal.
Not being able to differentiate fiction from reality is actually a sign of mental illness.
whatever you're trying to say, you're not proving your point.
So if it's fiction rape should be tolerated and accepted? No thx
THANK U finally a sane person
Nobody is 'hyping up rape'. How in the hell did you come up with THAT nonsense??
If you fail to see that there is more to this story than the rape that happened, then that's a you-problem.
People are often enough capable of reading a piece of fiction even if it includes unpleasant, bad or even horrible things. It simply depends on how the author handles the topics.
None of the hype is because of the rape aspect that happens in the story. If you fail to see that and seriously wish ill upon the author for your own shortcomings, then the problem isn't the author but you and the problem of you only being able to focus on one single aspect of a story instead of the whole piece.
It's fine if you dislike it or hate it, but making up things/lying (about people just liking the rape and it the story being just that) is not gonna magically win you brownie points or get any of this cancelled.
You should learn to either accept that some pieces of fiction can turn from bad to good and people can accept that change or you should at least get yourself under control instead of pretending this is a work that needs cancellation just because YOU fail to look past one single aspect that happens in it.
i aint reading allat
Then don't complain about made up bs next time if you don't want a reality check, you dimwit.