It's 100% the photo. The moment they brought up taking a picture together, I knew Dan was cooked. It's either someone posted it on social media or one of the two friends slipped up. Also Dan deserves a BREAK.
I hit the down button by accident! I'm sorry! If it is ending, I'll be sad. I'm happy I found this treasure of a manga. It's so good. It gave me the same feeling when I first read Horimiya.
eh i'm hoping not, i doubt it is though too cause they're getting an anime adaptation coming up pretty quick here and those are made usually with the intent to drive manga sales which wouldn't make sense if it was cancelled. especially with how popular it is
Being able to read this with a clear head because I've read until the most recent translation for the novel. I'm just happy to see it illustrated, especially since the art for this is amazing.
It's 100% the photo. The moment they brought up taking a picture together, I knew Dan was cooked. It's either someone posted it on social media or one of the two friends slipped up. Also Dan deserves a BREAK.