I really want this manga to be continued updating here

So guys which type person you would date someone who raped you and blamed everything on you like yahwi or someone who is nice and cute but somehow sus like cain ? â•®( ̄▽ ̄)â•

I will answer my own question: so I wouldn’t date either of them first I would not forgive yahwi what he did like damn even if he changes and gets better that doesn’t mean his past things he did can be forgiven .. so about cain yeah he is cute damn so cute i cant like so so cute omg but things is i sus him so i would not have dated him because of suspiciousness like first i should know what he is hiding but for jooin’s view he seems really nice cute guy he is not susing him so in his place i would have choosed him ... ok this is just my opinion so dont fight me
I like red flags i think but no only this one i guess. I want my man to be obsessed with me. That’s why I am single!