Tima created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain and Jooins relationship is so much of blind devotion, dishonest harmony and inequality and that's why I always thought it was toxic too. Most of the series both of them pretend the love triangle isn't a problem for far too long and that as long as they're with each other the problem will fix itself. I don't know why it reminds me of the nonsense of saying "as long as he comes back to me I'm okay". Unfortunately Cain even says something along these lines too. The issue with all this is how can you fix a problem when you aren't even willing to acknowledge it exists. Between Cain and Jooin a lot of uncomfortable and painful conversations needed to happen if they were ever to be anything. We all know the only tough conversation that they had was when Jooin rejected Cain which wasn't even fixing anything but just ending it all between them. Love isn't enough to fix problems that needs to be verbalised to be fixed. I do get that Cain was always fearful of Jooins retaliation but doing nothing when something could have been done is where he truly lost to Yahwi. I always wanted Cain to at least crash out on Jooin bcz it was Jooin hurting him more than anyone else but the creator hit us with the whole "Cain would never do that cz he's only nice to Jooin". I don't know why second love interest are often just written by default as doormats who should just take it until they are bent and broken. I hate how in manhwa they don't have agency and only exist to love people that don't love them back.

Tima created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I want the teasing games to continue. I want the wildest sex from these two. I want raw nasty down bad bedroom bullying shits. I will not accept anything else. That's why I want the sex to be delayed gratification.

Tima created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

Haesoo is playing hard to get and taeha is playing easy to get rid of Lord I'm enjoying this too much. I want more chapters like this. Maybe it's coz I love teasing that I'm living for this. Unfortunately we all know manhwa characters can never take a joke

Tima created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

If a man wrote this then they are doing a good job. I'll take the "unrealistic" body proportions anyday over the rape cesspool that are created by women in bl. I saw someone say the artist is a gooner for her proportions which is ridiculous. Unless you think flat chested and flat back women are the representation of womanhood then maybe. Have y'all seen most African bbes bodies who are constantly accused of body enhancements when it's just genetics. This rhetoric of unrealistic body proportions is the reason why African women were subjected to the worst sexual atrocities simply because of garbage opinions like "bodies like that are unrealistic".

Another thing is creators should have creative liberties. If the creator wants sexy bbes what's the issue? They're entitled to their artistic freedom. If you don't like her body you aren't being held at gunpoint. Go and read the romances with MC with flat chest and flat back.

Tima like topic of Yours to Claim

I stopped reading when Jooin was confusedā€¦and I only picked it back up because Cain is no longer directly suffering by that little twats hands! Iā€™m not sorry either, the fact that he picked Yahwi just because itā€™s ā€œloveā€ good for them both! Keep each other! I am not against them being together, I donā€™t care anymore about their fucked up love story! I just want Cain to have the love he gives returned to him from someone who deserves him! Fuck I truly hate this manga so much! The side stories better be about Cain! I donā€™t even wanna see those two asshats (if you find my comment offensive my apologies, Iā€™m just passionate about what I read)!

Tima created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

Someone please tell me which chapter in the novel to start from after the latest manhwa chapter.

Tima created a topic of Moon in the Void

I see this will probably never be completed. I've waited years for it and I'm only finding out today the mangaka passed away. May they rest in peace.

Tima created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

This story hits so close too home cz this is a reality that happens to so many women worldwide. That bitch stole years of her life. To me the cheating is the final nail on the coffin but it doesn't beat him trapping her and using her love for him against her.

As for taeha bless his heart. He could have been a basic second love interest who forces things to happen and proclaim himself her saviour but he lets her feel her pain at her own time. He lets her be the woman she needs to be for herself. He encourages her fall in love with herself and be confident. He wants to interfere but even he knows it's not his place to speed run her getting over her evil ex. I love how patient he is with her. He is such a breath of fresh air. I read a lot of BLS and I just hate how second love interests on that side are never patient with the MC and just push them to get over it as if it ain't hard letting go of someone you love. God bless taeha.

Tima created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I love guwon and teachthis gives me so much happiness please don't stop. Keep giving us sweetness and butterflies

If tatsuki fujimoto recommended it I'm reading it. I love how we collectively are reading this cz that amazing weirdo mangaka recommended this

Tima created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

The smoking crack line had me wheezing but "kill me in bed" I was just flabbergasted now I'm reading the novel.

This is the only bl that I feel the toxic "love" is done well. It's in the open that wooyeon is a sexy sick fuck and inseob is down bad for the sexy sick fuck. And the crazier twist is little Peter does want wooyeon to be obsessed with him.

Tima created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

Ari really angers me. I've been sitting on this for a while but hear me out. Ari reminds of those women who think "if he likes me I'm better than everyone else". The way she quickly turned a blind eye to muchuls bullshit still pisses me off. I really would never ignore the severity of a man cheating. It's clear she wants more from muchul but we all know he hates her and has only been fuckin her to get an ego boost so she'll never anything. She's what I call a willing victim. She saw the signs and instead of removing herself she still fucked Mr. PoS. Some bbes have to go through it to get it I guess.

Tima created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

This red head bitch angers me so. In a relationship everyone has to do their part accordingly and he didn't. In fact he did nothing. He let na haesoo do everything. He never felt the need to help with anything then he has the audacity to look down on her for wearing tattered clothes and inner wear when he's never bothered to get his shit together to buy her nice shit. He hates her for not being sexy when she's spending all the money on debt and can't even eat properly.I feel so bad for baby girl cz she was so broke she became malnourished and couldn't even keep a baby in her womb then here come this mf essentially calling her a broken woman. No one will make me like his ass just cz in the past he was a good guy. His good guy shit ruined her life. She lived her life for him and he didn't appreciate her one bit. He let her pay his fuckin debt while bitchin like a little bitch!!! May this love never find me cz I'd end up in jail.

Tima created a topic of Missing Pepper Case

The joke is what is in your pants

Tima created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

This is refreshing I thought we'd get smut in the first chapters or something. I've come to not like it. I hope they'll explore the lore too cz what's up with the town it's giving me the creeps? The mystery beyond their relationship already has me hooked

Tima created a topic of Yours to Claim

I had a conversation with a friend and I told them the embodiment of toxic masculinity in this series is Jooin and they were very confused but hear me out. Jooin for most of the series just moves like a real life straight man. He does this thing that straight guys do and it's to entertain, date and even marry women they don't like simply bcz they can't handle loneliness or deal with the feelings they have for someone they actually like.

I'll always hate how he used Cain simply bcz Cain was available to him. In his time with Cain he is the embodiment of mediocrity. He doesn't have to ever improve himself for him cz Cain will always remain and call him the sun. To Jooin Cain is manageable and very predictable just like how dogs are with their masters. Cats on the other hand theirs master can still get scratched. He likes and wants Yahwi but he hates that they are so different from each other. He hates that Yahwi can leave of his own volition and can bag a babe better than him. To me sometimes it felt like Jooin liked the addiction environment he had created with Yahwi because it was like a leash but you can't really leash cats cz they only stay when they want to. Before the timeskip Yahwi ends doing exactly that.

He'd be cold with Yahwi but the moment he even senses Yahwi wants out of the nonsense love triangle he guilts him with 'you never even liked me'. The hypocrisy of this shit when he was entertaining Cain and making out with him is so funny to me. Like let's be real who had more right to say that given that Jooin knowingly created a love triangle?This all leads to the slap incident. Yahwi wanted out and he tells Jooin to leave his house after their argument but Jooin escalated the situation when he literally came and rejected Yahwi. If he hated being with Yahwi so much why was he obsessed with Yahwi still wanting him when he had cain? Answer because he liked Yahwi and instead of trying to fix things like a normal person he let his pride get in the way. Even when Yahwi tells him to stop accusing him falsely he doesn't stop and then the slap happens. I have never thought the slap was abuse but retaliation. Ain't no way you'll talk shit in my space when I've told you to get out and warned you to shut up and not put words in my mouth. I don't condone slapping someone but I see where it came from. Once again it's Jooins hypocrisy the audacity to accuse Yahwi of using him for sex when they had only fucked countable times when he's the one with hickeys on his neck from someone else and also he's the one using Cain is ridiculous. Using someone for sex is what jaekyung does to Kim Dan.

I will always be team Cain and Yahwi spreading the gospel that Jooin was always the problem.

I think I'm the only one who likes yujin for not being a messy second love interest who can't read the room and leave the MC alone. I do sympathise cz he didn't even confess if I remember correctly but I'm glad he didn't force his feelings onto MC and then act as a victim when he got rejected like so many second leads in manhwa. This manhwa was refreshing because instead of making some messy nonsense they focus on the MC and the ml and I love that.

I find myself feeling happy when second leads get emotionally violated for being stupid enough to just not leave MC alone. I always feel like if you can afford to be stupid like that then you deserve a devastating heartbreak. It feels like you don't even care about yourself so why should I

Tima like topic of Eighteen's Bed

Can someone pls tell me that yohan is going to be more decent than that fucking junwoo bcz these comments are scaring tf out of me.