Fuck this redhead bitch!!!! Just fuck off!!! Like he'll be happier with the younger babe that doesn't care about blowing cash like leave haesoo alone. I really hate him. He's literally trapped her in debt and is the reason she didn't even enjoy her youth bcz she was married to this piece of shit. Why does he care she didn't call?? He been cooped up fuckin his lil squeeze. He can just continue doing that forever
One of the main symptoms of antisocial personality disorder is manipulative behaviours. I don't know why people are discussing them as if they are separate.Lee woo yeon is not trying to gain sympathy from Peter. He can always have Peter even if it means killing him. He is just stating what he is, a psychopath. Aggressive behaviour is also a symptom. All these act in tandem with one another. This is one of those mental disorder where even loved ones are sometimes advised it would be best to cut them off because the victims are sometimes born with it and can't control their violent tendencies. It doesn't make it better that tests can only be done in adolescence and adulthood. By this time some patients can adapt and be great pretender that even if a test is done it can be undetected. Lee woo yeon confirms this which is very true btw. His disorder doesn't negate his desire for human connection though. He is unable to bond with people normally even if he likes them. This explains the toxic nature of his relationship with Peter. That even though he likes him he doesn't know how to form an emotional bond that isn't rooted in abuse. It is something that he just doesn't have control over. He can learn how to accommodate and compromise but he can also be easily triggered e.g when Peter says he wants to leave or tries to leave. Doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable for all the fuckery tho. He is to some later on extent but y'all won't find it satisfactory.
It gives me the ick every time I read the comments of such stories and they are filled with people projecting their morality onto the characters and not seeing the story as what is but as what if. As someone who read the novel please don't expect green flag era bs. Given the context of this story it would just be pretentious tbh. Lee Woo Yeon is in fact a psychopath, don't expect him to be anything else. The story puts heavy emphasis on that. He can and is willing to accommodate and compromise for Peter but that is the best he can do. And to some extent Peter gets that. I think people just want this story to be something it's not. Their relationship is toxic and that's the point. If you want a fairy tale from this please buckle up for consistent disappointment.
Yes I agree, you explained it well. The novel itself popular for a reason, leave aside the toxicity, the story tries to tell us that we can still try to be better without becoming something that is not us, even we are damaged. Well yes the story is heavy but to me it's authentic and refreshing. It's realistic.
Exactly. I don't believe every love story should be fluffy. I don't mind intense and toxic romances. This story is a reflection that not all love is rosy. I blame romanticisation of love in media. It has enabled very shallow outlooks on love. Love is it's fundamental nature is seeing people for who they truly are and choosing whether you want to love them or not.
I agree. He is a psychopath and he knows it, and even accepted it wholly by being an actor. And actors lives with scripts. They wouldn't think of something unnecessary things like what to do and what actions to make since there is already a script given to them that serves as the guide. And people who read this should plant what they read in their head and understand what's its all about and not just read it for entertainment, and if they would only give it backlash, they shouldn't have read it in the first place and dropped it instantly.
A lot of bl fans have an addiction ATP. They can't just drop it if it ain't for them. They read these series to project themselves onto the characters especially the bottoms to live vicariously through them. They end up having these very over the top reactions when it's all just fiction. They act like they were held at gun point to read till the end. It's just weird.
hundred percent agree with you, i often get so frustrated reading wholesome fluff stories with annoying pushover characters and bland plot, that i just dropped them. but what the hell is wrong with these fluff people not quitting these toxic stories and condemning every chapter, trying to project their self righteousness onto a FICTIONAL character.. to me it’s like they’re the ones with some sort of mental illness??
All your comments here are relieving my headaches and frustrations caused by reading the insane comments further down in this section. Honestly, I just don’t get why people keep reading a story they dislike and then leave remarks about how insane the characters and the scattered plot of this manhwa are. I understand that they want to vent their frustrations, but when will it sink into them that this story just isn’t everyone’s cup of tea?
We all know what’s right or wrong so coming here and still continue reading 90 chapters of a manhwa with a batshit rapst ML while repeatedly criticizing this toxic work is on another level of dedication and craziness for sure.
Every time I come back to reading comments on here there are always people saying this story was shit. I don't agree with that tho. I enjoyed the story telling and stylistic liberties the creator took. I enjoyed all of it. I feel most of the 'ytc is trash/mid' narrative is often by disgruntled Cain fans. Not that I blame you, you invested your time and you didn't get what you wanted so it isn't far off that you'd feel the way you feel.
I'm going to point out part of the story I loved tho. I really liked Yahwis backstory not being some random shit but actually something that is heavily tethered to the central themes of the story like love and unrequited love. I think it's smart that it grounds that in the ytc universe unrequited love is good breeding ground for anger, hatred, obsession and resentment. Yahwis parents meet their end by the man Yahwis mom had rejected. The man never left and stuck around even when it was clearly killing him inside and ended up just hating the life Yahwis parents had built and wanted it to end. I think by the time he murdered them he just hated Yahwis mum for being happy and even having a kid while he stayed stuck loving her.
I think this information inspired Jooin a bit to cut off things with Cain completely. I mean I can imagine that Jooin seeing Cain's " I'm yours to claim" ring probably shone a bright light on just how desperate Cain was when he didn't even feel the same love for him. We know he felt guilty and just wanted it to end because that ring was Cain laying down a leash for Jooin to take and that just isn't love, it's being desperate that you are willing to lower yourself constantly for the bare minimum hoping they'd change their mind. I imagine Cain after all that happened within the series sticking around to act happy for Jooin getting back together with Yahwi and being happy and I just get chest pains. It would have broken him and seeing that after he came back he had in fact felt a bit resentful it was only going to get worse and would be a danger to Jooin if he had continued to stay. Does this remind you of someone?? Yahwis hyung who ended up killing his parents was also in a similar position. He thought if he stayed long enough Yahwis mum would magically fall in love with him but that never happened and he kidnapped Yahwi to force his mum into "loving" him and seeing that she wouldn't change her mind even in that situation he ran her over and killed her.
This isn't confirmed but seeing how things transpired I don't think I'm that off on my hypothesis.
Bl bottoms like this just suck. It's 90% of them. Just chronic confused confusers. We about to suffer through the 'I don't know what I want' troupe while his cheating clearly screams exactly what he wants
Not knowing is not consent, hesitance is not consent please shut up
Please eat shit!!! I can have opinions
Your opinion is wrong, if you have an ass opinion on consent I’m going to say something fuck you
Please take your purity somewhere else you dumb bitch!!! I don't believe caring about 2D characters like that
It’s not about 2d characters it’s about how you view the story, if you view a story liek this how am I supposed to believe you don’t treat actual victims like this. And if you find that thought ‘pure’ you’re disgusting it’s a basic human feeling and common sense. Now shut the fuck up
Eat shit you nasty bitch! I don't have to be anything to align with your stupid sense of mortality. I said I don't care and that's what the fuck is up? You are not my mother cunt!!! Don't dictate to me how I should digest stories on a fuckin smut website
why dont you suck my ass because rapist enjoyers like you dont deserved a right of expression