It just feels like a lot of plots these days aim at just being "painful"
Sure there is a storyline and I'll read it, but I'm kinda tired of 'top treats bottom like he's trying to torture him into love... and then it works." It does what it's trying to do, maybe this plot has become too much for me recently idk

The story itself was interesting and the Characters held my attention. I think it was just too short to tell the story it wanted to. But we have the extras to look forward too, so I do hope we get more info on Nolan in the new agency. I was also hoping to see some actual discussion on any lingering mental effects from all of Zeus's torture and gaslighting cause I think we see it a bit in Nolan's personality during this but it felt mostly overlooked hahaha

As someone who has a lot of anxiety and tends to distance themself from others due to scenarios mostly made up in my head, i really feel for the mc. He went more drastic with it, but undoing the thought process of a whole childhood of being abandoned and feeling unloved is really hard to do. I think they'll only get better and better at communicating and both had a lot of growing up to do during this. Proud of them :)
"I'll never do anything you hate ♡♡♡"
Proceeded by literally doing so many things the bottom hated like???? Hahahahaha good old yaoi logic right there