So if i'm right the older brother the psychologis was talking about who could handle other childeren in the orphanage easily is going to be Haru. So maybe he came to Ren's school to mess up Haru's life to get back at him for leaving the orphanage and the psychologist (at that time a child) behind.what do u think?

Because there's a picture of the older kid, I was thinking that Haru was actually the kid who didn't get along with that guy and Haru is actually the reason why that one guy became a psychologist.

Haru never lives in an orphanage. he stays with his dad and step mom and step bros.

Huh. My bad, I thought he was there at one point in time. Nevermind.

it was ren who lives in the orphanage in canada.

No, theyre right. Haru stayed in an institution after the accident. Its been mentioned multipule times

The institution is like a rehab hospital where he learns to use his motoric skills again after he left the hospital, i don't think he can play with kids when he himself was half disabled. and the accident happen in Japan not overseas.

O M G! Such a beautiful manga definitely on my five best list. Just one thing, the first time i encountered this amazing manga, after reading the first chapter i gave up because i didn't like the fisrt couple and assuming it was going to be all about them i gave up on it wondering the high rating of the manga.after a year i came back since i didn't have anything good to read and i thought maybe my taste migth have changed and oh boy i'm sooooo glad i did; all the other couples spacially Naoya x Aoe have such great stories that can melt ur heart. So if u r like me ,don't doubt the high rating, this manga deserves every bit of it!

Omg! Plz plz don't let those negative comments affect you. imo they are not true at all.this time kagami had done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve shingo's distrust. Don't get me wrong,i adore shingo as my favorite uke of all time but he needs to finally overcome his insecurities as he did and bilieves in kagami's true love for him. And the last chapter was perfect, actually this has become my favorite of this series bcaz both MCs become mature in thier loves for one another.

"this time kagami had done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve shingo's distrust."
nothing? you serious? ok so you don't find
keiichi coming home later than usual
lying where and who he was with
coming home with another man's scent
and actually kissing someone else
enough reasons for shingo to question keiichi's faithfulness? you sure have your priorities straight

Actually its because Kagami was going out late with the foreigner and also that he said goodbye to Shingo like a stranger when he was out in public "good work" or whatever that started Shingo's insecurities up again. Thats when Kagami's scent became faint to him and he asked Kagami's brother what the significance of that was.Finally when Kagami said he was leaving and didn't invite Shingo his scent completely vanished. I don't think Shingo understood that his own insecurities were being backed up by Kagami's vague behavior. Also I still don't understand that kiss that Kagami and the director exchanged. Ultimately Kagami already knew Shingo had a lot of insecurities and unfortunately with a partner like that you need to me be more conscious of how your actions can inadvertently hurt them. At the same time Shingo needed to be more honest about why he felt insecure in those moments which he did finally at the end. In short they both were in the wrong.

This is the link for the raw for all the volumes and after checking two last volumes ,25 & 26 you'll see that all 26 volumes have been translated . Vol.24 mentioned in the last chapter's link is misleading ! Hope this helps to solve the confusion :
http://rawcs.net/375.html (the first link still works )
Gush! Every time I think he cannot get any more adorable a new chapter proves me wrong. Not that I'm complaining ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭