I like to think that this is made with the intention of being sarcastic, judging by the last sentence. And honestly i kinda laugh at ed sheeran not gon lie reply
YES! I've been thinking about shaving my head for a while now, but I'm kind of in the middle of reassuring myself of the difference in skin shades of my head and my face, and possible weird bumps on my head lmao. hoping i'll make up my mind soon ehehehe reply
pretty sure it was during 5th-6th grade, i look at him from afar, trying my best to get a convo with him, trying to get to know him, and i am pretty darn sure he knew i like him. the guy is a total douche tho lmao. never been in love since then //sigh// reply
someone who would listen, knows their joke but know when to be serious. someone who values others, selfless, and chill since I am quite temperamental ehehehe. someone who knows how to have fun but knows the boundaries. someone who is living life to the fullest, who can make me a better person, who can make me feel the utmost happiness by just spend...... reply
people, no. but boys, yes. i used to fight a lot when i was in grade school cause im temperamental, and boys gets in my nerve a lot cause they like to tease girls right. once when i was in 7th grade, i threw a desk at one of my male classmate cause he's being a real douche LOL (im not quite fond of these memories and they're rather embarassing tbh ...... 2 reply