Someone remembers an omegaverse manga about two childhood friends, one alpha and one omega, who are traumatized by seeing an omega being violated. Once grown, the alpha wears a mask because he is afraid to react to the omega pheromones and rape him.

Yeah your right probably cuz it matches up

Anyone here ever buyed the serie "In These Words"? I wanted to buy the complete serie, with the prequels and all that. If yes, where did you did that? In Guilty Pleasure site?

in germany we have 3 books. it was kinda a struggle bec. one puplisher released the first and second vol. and then nothing- then it turns out- they dont pulish it anymore. luckily after some time- another puplisher picked it up YAY :D
mwahahah btw. love just to search- I just looked for part 4 and stumbled over another interessting cover XD https://www.amazon.de/Alptraumprinz-Daemon-Greed-Akira-Arenth/dp/1532972997/ref=sr_1_10/261-0144291-8631925?ie=UTF8&qid=1549318453&sr=8-10&keywords=in+these+words+4