These ones are GOOOD, I’m never on the right side of history lmfao. I guess for me it has to do with the fact that I don’t really like them design that much, and so all I have left is the story, WHICH IS GOOD, specially the protagonist, I really wanted to know more about him and oh the personality he has is amazing

That the so-called “character development” of Jaekyung takes long, but oh god if it ever happens it better live to the expectancy of him being just such an asshole.
You don't understand, if his character development does not involve him loosing it ALL, being all pathetic and humiliated, just like he has been, then I don't want it frfr, just leave him as a horrible character and either make some lame ass boring story or a good villian that has an ending of one, (like sangwoo from killing stalking) not a so-called "romantic love story",

to see the majority of people agree that we want Ian, not brian!! Like yeah, he is nice and a full flesh character, we stan, but I didn't read this manwha for him, It hooked me because of Ian. Honestly it even still makes me kinda mad that most surely Ian will remember everything and fully acknowledge his past self, instead of staying truth to his present self, concept that makes him much more original and interesting imo.

are on my same levels of delulu like omg
I enjoy how they're exploring the unhealthy side of the relationship tbh, yet i'd advise anyone who ain't liking this very real depiction of yuri should just let this one go. They already ended it so take that as canon and lets bffr ending was nice
Yuri is fucking messed up, and always have been, a "happy" ending does not mean it will end right, so who knows maybe this gets angsty (as if it couldn't get more).

you think?? he doesn't seem like the type that would let himself just go. You kno what i lowkey want to happen? That in his toxic actions he accidentally the teacher and he regrets it so deeply and actually realizes how dangerous are his actions, cause I believe he's the only factor that would make him change is the teacher's well being.
But oh well I am delulu as well so just daydreaming
just by the body composition you know the author draws NASTY i will never forgive china for it's censorship and the beautiful things it has taken away from us SMH