These ones are GOOOD, I’m never on the right side of history lmfao. I guess for me it has to do with the fact that I don’t really like them design that much, and so all I have left is the story, WHICH IS GOOD, specially the protagonist, I really wanted to know more about him and oh the personality he has is amazing
NO SPOILERS PLEASEEEEEEEE. Just initial thoughts or very general feeling. I wanna see y'alls opinions!
I’m gonna copy paste the review I wrote for it in my list bc it’s one of my favouritesssss
“ Rating: 4.8/5
Round of applause for this one. Actually stunning. The mutual manipulation and both of them dancing around each other and toeing the line of the other’s boundaries. Looks like enemies to lovers but desperate rather than hate. Paradoxes in their personalities and I love it. Hard to grasp their personalities and you feel exactly like them trying to figure the other out. The smut is god-like aswell.”
You can probably tell I really like it (▰˘◡˘▰)
If the trope or what you are searching for is something I've not made a list of before.
If by any chance the specification is too niche, or perhaps I have not read anything of those sorts i'll compensate you with a funny cute image <3 ksjadhd
Hey lovie! Do you think you can make me a list of Yaoi where it's like a popular streamer/idol/actor/porn star and a rich guy who watched them all day.
( ˘ ³˘)
The original trope i wanted was streamer and a rich guy who watched him but i haven't found any yet :(
Anyways thank you love for your offer!
just by the body composition you know the author draws NASTY i will never forgive china for it's censorship and the beautiful things it has taken away from us SMH