I know people are gonna hate me for this but Lyon should leave. And no in not saying it to be an asshole. I mean that the longer Kyon stay the more dangerous it gets. Like what if all of a sudden he gets a command and not just any command but one here he is forced to do Edwins biddings. There's no telling what could happen. I know he loves Lucan but in order to protect him, he would need to leave. I mean think about it, if you love someone to the point where you was causing their life to be in danger, wouldn't you leave?? Wouldn't you want your loved one to be alive and well even if you're not near them?? Would you risk your partners heart in order to save their life?? I know I would. Just knowing that they're safe and well and that they love me no matter what is good enough for me, even if I was miles away from them. But please don't disliked this
Have anyone read Osama Game: Rinjou?? I've heard that's its about Natsuko around the time Ousama Game: Shuukyoku started. There's supposed to be 4 volumes and I even seen the cover art to each one but I've never seen any chapters to it. If anyone have any info on this please let me know. Thank you.