And now for the moment we've all been waiting for (≧▽≦)
This shit is fucking underrated. It's one of the most beautiful and deep stuff I've ever read and I hope more people get to know about it
We need more police officers like Hada who could sacrifice their ass and dignity for the sake of the country
No way this bitch actually said "Fine"
How can he even get hard looking at Dan making such as sad face??Like seriously he even saw him attempting suicide. Does he think with his fucking dick
It's so frustrating having to see him Just leave my baby alone already
Ngl Ido's dick really scares the living shit Outta me
Omaga the fucking cliffhanger arusaurarskgfoyuchlclhfuptoudyofupfhldlhxuxulfflljjllujlx
Is anyone actually enjoying this?? Not only the constant assaults but there is no plot and it's seriously boring seeing them rolling on the floor every other chapter (눈‸눈)
"Just put the tip in your mouth"
"You should suck it"
Are you sure you're talking about the ciggerate??
Bro cut his gloomy personality along with his hair
I hope that everything will finally be gwenchana (neng neng neng neng neng) in their life
Can I get the raws or whatever of the next chapter asap I can't be patient anymore
As if my second ml syndrome was not bad enough already why make him so jacked and kind~
Am I hypnotized too?? I know the story is trash but I still can't stop reading
Nahh gramma you don't know what he did to our baby ಥ_ಥ
Is it just me or Juwon really looks like Bangchan??