Gog I wanna punch that face of his(y*hwi). he has such a punchable face…… like baby. all you’ve done is gaslight jooin and now you’re continuing? I’m happy that jooin is sort of standing up for himself though, and I REALLYYYY hope he ends up with Cain because they deserve each other <3 I almost cried when y*hwi was insulting Cain and I’m not even an emotional person I just hope yahwi gets the bad ending he deserves ;/ what I hate most about him is the way he tries to put cain down when he’s the shitty one himself, and when he went like ‘oh what about consent’ when jooin tried to kiss him when he LITERALLY came onto jooin when he was drunk asking for no consent whatsoever.... and it even happened multiple times like in the hotel room when jooin told him to stop

i haven’t read this manhwa in months but i left off hating y*hwi. i was gonna pick it back up but is he still a piece of shit ( -_・)?

Well, he didn't really understand anything till now and has put our jooin through a lot of hardships as always...
But after now suffering some kind of consequences by behaving that way he may have a character development soon. It's still frustrating but personally I think his behaviour is becoming kinda better (slowly VERY slowly).
But if you're looking for a understanding and kind Yahwi you might have to wait a little longer (probably very long) to pick it up again....
smh not samatoki-sama appearing in a BL manga just to bully children #-.-)