Many creative liberties: "In a dark and obscure museum with an enigmatic collection, a group of teen...
- Author: Bing
- Genres: Demons / Fantasy / Full color / Ghosts / Horror / Long strip / Magic / Monsters / Mystery / Official colored / Psychological / Supernatural / Thriller / Tragedy / Web comic / Webtoons
The Main character gets trapped in a world where it's ruled by laws and orders. Will he escape?!...
- Author: Kiki,Park
- Genres: Mystery
Due to a string of bad luck, Yano Kaisei is without a home, a job, or money. He happens to stumble u...
- Author: Kuroi yodaka
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy
Sasaki Rena is a beautiful woman with excellent memory and intelligence. She becomes a private detec...
- Author: Keisuke Matsuoka
- Genres: Action / Seinen / Psychological / Drama / Mystery / Tragedy
A crime suspense story set in a forensic laboratory where specialists work to uncover clues from see...
- Author: Koga kei
- Genres: Japanese / Seinen / Drama / Mystery Japanese Drama Mystery
Yoake Itaru, 38, divorced. Profession: Investigator and confidential informant for an insurance agen...
- Author: YONEDA Kou
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mystery / Seinen / Slice of Life
This unusual duo brings the hidden truth into the light! Ron Kamonohashi, a private investigator wit...
- Author: Akira Amano
- Genres: Mystery / Shounen / Slice of Life
Any murder mystery recs?
If he rejects him mans going to go down a rabbit hole , I almost forgot his trauma
the explanation and face taking meb out