Suffer's experience ( All 0 )

Suffer's answer ( All 1 )

I met her in high school when I sort of joined her friend group. We were basically a mix of punks, art kids and weebs, so everyone was pretty easygoing. She was about the same height as I was at the time, but where I was an introvert, she was an uber bubbly extrovert. We shared a lot of interests and she really supported me through some difficult t......   2 reply
08 01,2020

Suffer's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did fall for a same sex person

i still fell for her till this day..and man she was my first awakening too. even tho we don’t talk anymore i’m just admiring her from afar

1 minutes
did explain your username

I honestly typed a bunch of the same letter, it isn't squealing hahah

2 hours
did my first boyfriend

toxic but learned a lot

4 hours