This fucking mf literally ruined her life, like you call her boring and withered but she is trying to clear your fucking debts. She's living this way bc of you, you made her miserable and on top of that you dare to cheat on her too

_Nobody_ created a topic of High Society

Cesare treats openly della valle girl like shit but she still likes him. Is there a reason behind it? Like political gain? Bc of his fame?

I feel frustrated watching their interactions ngl

_Nobody_ created a topic of Waterside Night

Pls ik he can't get any rest bc he's the MC but no god pls no

_Nobody_ created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha
_Nobody_ asked a question

Anything similar to At the End of the Road and/or For You Who Grieves where mc and ml knew each other before mc died and woke up in another body?

Love how they went straight to the point without causing unnecessary drama

_Nobody_ created a topic of Haru no Arashi to Monster

I'm so happy but scared at the same time bc in these stories they usually make mc and 2nd ml a couple to then break up and end with ml. Hope this is not the case tho

_Nobody_ created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

Why even bother to introduce Dane tbh

_Nobody_ created a topic of The couple breaker

Not the comments hating Yuri when glasses dude is as much at fault as her. I'd argue even more given he can't get his shit straight. Yuri's relationship seems more casual meanwhile dude's literally in 10 years relationship smh

Neuvi awakened my love for stern looking guys that are actually sweethearts and karhan is fueling it

_Nobody_ followed a list

 Hot men being pegged/fingered by ladies [1~52]
 Female dominance: reversed roles of that would “normally” be viewed in Hentai [53~…]

 = submissive ML;  = strong FL

■ BDSM stereotypes (usually nocon/dubcon) and/or smut fantasy
■ Depictions of death/violence/torture, rape/nocon, sexual harassment/blackmail/kidnapping,
cross-dressing, Yuri/GL smut, futanari (hermaphroditism/unusual genitalia),
and anything else disturbing

11 05,2024
_Nobody_ created a topic of Haru no Arashi to Monster

please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml please nasu be the ml

I dropped it but I came back to read the ending wth is that

I can't believe I found another one with this concept

_Nobody_ created a topic of Bastian

I just realized it's from the same author of cry or even better beg, guess that's my sign to drop it

They need to stop adapting their novels using this pretty art

_Nobody_ created a topic of In the Doghouse

Girl you were born with a golden spoon up your ass you can't boast about it either

_Nobody_ created a topic of Eternal Covenant

The old comment I made regarding me liking the backstory aged like milk