Based on ch.108, ryeong is not actually blind but there's some kind of curse that doesn't let him open his eyes unless that someone he talks about frees him from it and that someone is the jaw, right?
In the earlier chs I thought he harmed his own eyes bc they were the reason of all the tragedies in his life or smth like this
Can't believe that mf accepted pills from that sketchy ass druggie looking dude
Why is banana peel guy build kinda like the beast titan from aot
Abel is literally fixing all his brother's shit, let the poor man rest
Also I can't believe Cain just groomed and watched her get r@ped, let the man stay dead
And let mc get her deserved revenge omg
Can someone recommend me something similar to 'Choose Your Heroes Carefully'?
Anyone spoilers on his name? If he'll ever have one
Didn't yuhyeon hire an attorney for her bc of her abusive dad? Everything seems normal I wonder what happened
Idk why but I was fully convinced farzan was a woman
Seeing that he had friends ready to help him makes me even more sad
Dude's eyebrows are about to exit from his face, reminds me of that trend of getting the perfect face
Finally an interesting and refreshing female mc, is this the end of the world?
But I'm still wondering why they tricked her...
Damn their legs are double the size of their torso
The various backstories of the characters are part of her life experiences, that's makes it interesting but it's a shame the pace is kinda bad
Dude that mask did everything apart from hiding your identity
On another note their body proportions are getting worse and worse, is it just me?