Why ppl hate more trashta(id remember anymore her real name lol) than the emperor?
I think the emperor is more hateful.
Ppl tend to hate more the female than the male in these type of situations, why??

hmmm well i think its just that there a lot more to talk about with trashta since she did a lot of stuff and hide a lot of secrets. but for the emperor, he’s simply an incompetent fool of an emperor who is infatuated with that trash. but i guess some people do hate trashta more because she is the actual source of the mess.

That's exactly the attitude all over the place, he is a fool while she is trash that deserved to die.
The emperor is the one who is doing all out of a whip an actively hurting Navier, Rashta so far by her own only was able to cry, look pretty and pitiful, and be annoying to Navier the other heavy things she has done was literally with the help of other two men that are guiding her.
They do call her homewrecker and all, just look some recent comments, there was not really a home to break, Navier and Shovieshu never loved each other, it was still hurtful for Navier non-less.
I personally dislike Rastha, her character is boring and annoying in order to make Navier look better, but that's about it.

The reason why people tend to hate more is for two reasons:
First, internalized misogyny, as you can see, they are hating and saying gruesome things more about Rashta than Sovieshu, despite the fact that the one responsibly for the situation is him.
Second is the way the characters are created, Rastha isn't loveable or particularly interesting, she has barely any personality, the character comes out as obnoxious, she was created with the intention to be a plot device, to be a punching bag for the readers, and to make Navier look nice in comparison.
A character in the position of Rashta CAN be done right, you can feel sympathy and love the character despite the messy situation.
I have yet to read a novel or manhwa with a character like that, BUT, Ann Boleyn, a character from SIX the musical, based on Henry the VIII wives, is the perfect example of the character done well, she is lovably, she is fun, she is charming.
One of her songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xgf44984Uc
The perspective of the first wife (Catherine of Argon) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-eczkUiRNI as you can see, they don't recur to make Catherine the "bad guy" as a way to make Ann shine, both shine in their own way.

no, that’s why i don’t like her. i don’t like the emperor more because once again, he is scum and i think cheating wise he’s the worst because HE is the one who’s married and made vows not trashta. but i dislike trashta for the obvious malice she shows towards the empress and all the secrets she keeps but still acts entitled to the emperess’ position even though she’s just a side bitch. and more over, how she talks and even her character style. Comparing her to Anne Boyln is almost slander because in SIX they’re was no “good” or “bad” guys they all blamed the king for they’re situations as shown in Cathrine’s song. It’s the king who made the wedding vows not anne, it’s the king who said till death to us part, not anne. And in those times of you refused the king you refused a vessel of god. Anne didn’t make Cathrine to be the bad guy, if anything, she made herself be a bad guy and that’s what made her so appealing because she was charismatic enough to pull it off, unlike ms trashta over here.

As you can see is Rashta the ones that receive the worst by the people just seeing the comments, despite Shovieshu being the one responsible for the whole situation.
I personally dislike him more, and that its something that happens in most fandoms, the female characters will receive more hate despite doing half the thing the male counterpart has done.
Now, that covers the first point, not saying EVERYONE will have the same motivations, but is something that you can pinpoint once you have being in several communities, lets sayyyy, "Who made me a princess", there are REALLY gruesome stuff written about the other princess while most people simp for the emperor despite the heroine doing, nothing, and I say, nothing, to mc, and is not even romance the thing in meddle, is parental love, you may not know the manhwa, but let me clarify, Claude (the emperor) is a horrible person, in his previous life, and in the current, just his love is direct to mc in his current life and not to the heroine.
I said Ann position IS in fact in a very similar position to that of Rashta, is not slander or anything, don't see this in an emotional way rather objectively, they both share the same position.
Ann as a character did feel entitled to be the next queen, she rivaled Catherine A LOT (in their memories and in the musical, of course, they all make amends at the end), BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, the way the whole musical is written, is so that the audience sides with all the queens and hates on the king, because, that is intended in the writing, plus the fact that they make Ann a flesh out character, she has a very lovably personality, and her charisma makes her someone the fandom loves with no effort.
Just changing the writing and Ann could have easily become Rashta 2.0.
The whole point with me pointing that out is saying this, a character in a "side hoe/homewrecker" position CAN be writing in a good a lovable way, and Ann is the perfect example of that.

everything you said is fair, but saying it’s internalized misogyny is far and harsh. I don’t hate trashta for being a side bitch, i hate her for everything else she does. the emperor isn’t worth the hate because he clearly has some sort of disability and is a waste of space due to his incapability of thinking. Trashta is smart, but with her smarts she’s spiting the main character. The emperor isn’t supposed to be liked or loved because he isn’t the ML and the novel says that too. If Anne wasn’t as light hearted in SIX and went out of her way to make Cathrine suffer with more obvious malice, then people wouldn’t like her. So i don’t think people hate Trashta more because of misogyny but because of how trashta was written.

It's harsh BUT it had to be said.
Rashta is not really that smart tho, and the emperor is not really disable I think? I haven't finished the novel, she is having two man guiding her/taken advantage off, in order to make her name in society, she is not really portray as some kind of master mind, she is pretty and cries when she has to, she acts very childish and annoying and those are the things she accomplished entirely own her own without the "help" of those man she would still be in that same position, I think you're giving the character too much credit and the emperor too little.
The point with internalized misogyny is that, you really aren't aware of it.
There are hundreds of male characters who are mean, are bad, are malicious, and commit all kind of unmoral acts but still are very loved, is common that when a female character is in a similar position, it will be more easily hate, as I said, it's something you can pinpoint once you have seen it in several times.
I do personally don't hate her BUT I dislike her, because she is a bad character, that's all, I don't write nasty comments like "I hope she falls of her horse and lose her baby that bitch slut making our queen suffer" the real one are more nasty.
I will say this again "female characters will receive more hate despite doing half the thing the male counterpart has done"
The one who actively hurts and allows Navier to be humiliated is the emperor, before and after their marriage.

Oh yes, the mysogyny. I kind of forgot it for a while, but that explains a lot. Especially the hate towards Rashda.
I think she is depicted ok. Not one dimentional. At this point her story (not character) has more depth than Naviers. There are a lot of characters here who are quite one dimentional.
But let us see how the story goes and how they grow and develop.
Spoiler Ml:
There's no Ml ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
i'm pretty sure there IS a ml tho
Lol, it was intentional
Np, but maybe they'll change the storyline in the manhwa who knows
Do you think that background on the last page was intentional to hint who the ML is?
Maybe I’m hoping anyway.