You people seriously try to ruin everything by complaining, like ITS A STORY, yes there are going to be the shittiest human beings in it and they are going to do the shittiest things. Cause again ITS A STORY, not everyone in the world is sunshine and rainbows. And what makes this situation even worse is that you all complain about the same thing, just to come back and read it More, and complain again.You already know what it contains..you CLEARLY Don’t agree with it so Why are you still here? ( ̄へ ̄)

There’s a big difference between having an opinion and just plain complaining, nobody said you couldn’t have an opinion or not like something. but when you consistently come on a story that you don’t like just to spew how much u don’t like it because of what it contains, it becomes complaining. I could go on but I’d rather not waste my time anymore Lmaooo

This isn’t going to end well for neither of them, moonhyuk and Yeojin are being hunted by the gang moonhyuk used to work with/ for...but not just physically they are trying to make them suffer Mentally and emotionally, moonhyuk also falling in love with yeojin which is why he’s having dreams about chagang
(The guy in the red rope with long hair, I THINK, and tattoos)
yeojin clearly reminds him of him (also remember he was in love with chagang) , which just means the start of more than just a “master and slave” relationship
As for yeojin, hes clearly torn between seeking out his goal for revenge for the sake of his deceased mother
((That’s what she meant when she told yeojin to “be more like his father” it wasn’t really her speaking but more like commanding or ordering him to cause she didn’t have the will to and because she simply cannot compete with a man))
or just submitting to his father/ feelings for moonhyuk and his family
(the mania he describes is in reference to what those who suffer from bipolar disorder experience..it can be super duper highs, feeling unstoppable or extremely happy to an unbearable sadness or complete empty feeling, this doesn’t necessarily mean he’s bipolar, it just means he experiences these feelings when moonhyuk is around or vise versa)
But do not forget that in chapter 22 yeojins father promised to intervene if he heard more rumors regarding yeojins sexual activities, we were also re-introduced to the guy who yeojins father is Sleeping with..or used to sleep with who was also involved with chagang(Chapter 11) ..who was involved with moonhyuk, there was also a scene earlier, I believe chapter 19-20, of someone reporting to him (Scarface dude) of failing to assassinate yeojin. This could honestly just be his way of threatening his family being that Scarface interacts with his son in the bathroom but I am not ruling moonhyuk out. He sees them leaving the bar and says “Moonhyuk needs to die“.. shortly after we see him meeting with yeojins father. He warned him “your son could die“... to which yeojins father responds “ I don’t care” and not long after that..moonhyuk is attacked :(.
Both Moonhyuk and yeojin are going to suffer, multiple people are going after them from Multiple sides..which unfortunately means that One of them or both of them are going to die :’(

Some of you have already commented “this is sexulizing rape” yet you come back..just to say it again...interesting#-.-)

i disagree. the people those actually help dont come in and complain. they read them and heed them and thats why we dont hear from them but i suspect they are a larger group than than the whiners that just happen to be louder. there are people who rly need and benefit from those warnings. and it also means that the creators and publishers arent liable for big backlash from readers or any kind of legal authority. so yeah, warnings are good esp when they arent spoiler-y. but also idk if these people didnt read the warnings os much as feel entitled to judge everyone regardless of warnings or the comic summary page, these people are being willfully obtuse or arguing in bad faith or just hostile in general and shouldnt mean others who are respectful should get penalized by the removal of all warnings. thats my opinion anyway.

I mean for shit that is obviously filled with bad things. If the cover and the description of the story isn't a red flag the tags are. If you made it pass all three and then loose your damn mind you are full of shit. There are more than 3 barriers to protect your state of mind. People need to stop breading and pushing these weak mentality filled people out. Entertainment is tantied.
He really had his third leg chillin on his second one